Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

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Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Over the counter drug tax increase in bill

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Tylenol: The Pain Reliever Democrats Tax Most

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Marshall (1801-1835) once said, "[T]he power to tax involves the power to destroy." Without a doubt, the Obama administration and its Democratic allies in Congress see the power to tax as the greatest weapon in their arsenal. The Libertarian organization, Cato Institute, just released a list of tax increases those in power and Washington have--or are trying--to tax. One potential levy they left off the list is hidden in the Senate and House health care overhaul bills. Under ObamaCare, over-the-counter drugs, like antihistamines, Tylenol, Pedialyte or even prenatal vitamins will all be subject to a tax increase of up to 40 percent if either bill passes. If you pay for any over-the-counter medicines (a full list can be found here) with a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA), then you'll find that both bills restrict individuals with these pre-tax accounts from buying a "medicine or drug only if such medicine or drug is a prescribed" one, which forces individuals (most of whom make well below $250,000 a year) to pay more.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

From a commentary on I Samual 13

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Men destitute of inward piety, often lay great stress on the outward performances of religion.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Murder Mart

I am posting this more for the information content than for the donation request.

AUL Action

Dear Friend of Life,

Your tax dollars are about to create abortion "mega-marts" across the nation. In fact, it's already begun.

Donate today Planned Parenthood - the world's largest abortion provider - has obtained a 78,000 square foot building in Houston, Texas that they are converting into a gargantuan abortion clinic. This new abortion mill will be the largest such facility in the United States with an entire wing dedicated solely to late-term abortions - and your tax dollars will be paying for it!

Is this what you want your tax dollars spent on?

Under the guise of "health care" reform, the Senate recently authorized the largest expansion of taxpayer-funding for Planned Parenthood in decades. This "health care" bill actually routes taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood as an "essential community provider"! In addition, it subsidizes insurance plans that cover elective abortions with your tax dollars, imposes a mandatory abortion tax on pro-life Americans who happen to be enrolled in such plans, and could potentially require all health care plans to cover abortions as "preventive care."

How many abortion mega-marts will the Senate health care bill fund in the coming months if it becomes law?

Fortunately, we know that the American people will stand with Americans United for Life in strong opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion mega-marts - but only if we have the resources to get our message out to other pro-life voters. We need an urgent tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more to make sure that your tax dollars are never used to pay for abortion mega-marts. We will make sure your tax dollars are used to save lives rather than take lives.

AUL Yours for Life,
Charmaine Yoest
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life

P.S. With an annual budget in excess of $1 billion dollars, Planned Parenthood wants to build an abortion mega-mart in every city and college town, using your tax dollars. This is a tragedy. We urgently need you to stand with us and the millions of pro-life Americans who have become life savers rather than life takers. With your tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more we'll continue working to ensure that your tax dollars are never used to pay for abortions or to bankroll abortion providers.

Washington, DC: 655 15th St NW | Ste 410 | Washington, DC 20005
Chicago: 310 S Peoria Street | Ste 500 | Chicago, IL 60607
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Heritage of Christian Activism

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But above all, like Dr. King, the activist must possess courage and an unyielding faith in the God of justice. Injustice does not loosen its grasp easily. We must be prepared for a long haul, drawing on the rich resources of community and that abiding hope and passion for truth. And we must avoid violence: in our rhetoric and our actions. As Martin Luther King reminded those who gathered at his home after it had been bombed, "Don't get panicky. . . . I want you to love our enemies. Be good to them. This is what we must live by. We must meet hate with love."

So if the life of an activist holds so much discouragement and risk, why get involved at all? Because a Christian understanding of the world compels us to combat injustice and promote truth. That is a thought worth reflecting on, especially on Martin Luther King Day—a man who exhibited those qualities.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

CrossExamined Broadcast January 19 to Reach over 200,000

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This Tuesday, January 19th I'll be hosting a live radio and internet simulcast event called Church Dropout:  Overcoming the Youth Exodus.  The producers tell me that this program will draw an audience of over 200,000 to hear and see evidence for Christianity. The program is intended to help reverse the trend that 75% of Christian youth leave the church after high school.   

My guests will be some of the top Christian apologists in the world:
We'll start the evening with the man who is currently the best debater on our side, Dr. William Lane Craig (  Bill does scores of college events every year, and he provides great resources on his website. You need to hear Bill's evidence for the existence of God-- irrefutable! 

We'll then turn to one of the founding fathers of the Intelligent Design movement-- Dr. Bill Dembski (  Bill has two PhD's, but he'll show us very simply how life points to an intelligent designer, and how most of the so-called "evidence" for macroevolution is based on materialistic and counter-factual philosophical assumptions.  

My third expert guest will be Dr. Mike Adams, a Christian professor on a secular campus (Yes, there are a few!) and one of the most popular conservative columnists on  Mike gets students motivated to make a difference for Christ!  He will give us advice on how to prepare yourself (or your child) for the radically anti-Christian environment found on many college campuses (he'll make you laugh too!).  

We'll then cap the show with one of my all-time heroes of apologetics-- his books helped bring me to faith-- the one and only Josh McDowell (  Josh will give us very helpful insights on the importance of relationships to a young person's faith.  Josh is not only the most popular apologist but also the most passionate! 
During the show, I'll also provide evidence for Christianity from our book I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, and take your calls.  Overall, the program will equip you with the critical information you need to keep yourself, your family, and your church firmly grounded in the truth. 
It's this Tuesday, January 19, 7-10 p.m. CENTRAL time:  A listing of the 200 stations carrying the program can be found here (  For the live web simulcast, go here:
Our friends at the American Family Association, who are producing this event, will create a DVD of the program that will be available afterwards.  Check later for details.
Please pray that thousands are touched for Christ! 

Dr. Frank Turek
Founder & President of
Speaker and author/co-author of:
TV Monday Nights @ 8 pm & Midnight ET DirecTV Ch. 378
Radio Saturdays @ 11 am ET
                          704-845-1997nk Turek

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Testing the tests.

Click on the link to read entire article.

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by Dr. Jeff Zweerink

Photo of Jeff Zweerink"[Science] is not perfect. It can be misused. It is only a tool. But it is by far the best tool we have, self-correcting, ongoing, applicable to everything. It has two rules. First: there are no sacred truths; all assumptions must be critically examined; arguments from authority are worthless. Second: whatever is inconsistent with the facts must be discarded or revised. ... The obvious is sometimes false; the unexpected is sometimes true." — Carl Sagan, Cosmos, pg 277.

One underlying principle that enables the scientific enterprise to discover the truth is the commitment that everything must be tested. This principle comes directly from the Bible (see 1 Thessalonians 5:21). Because every belief and explanation rests on assumptions, the confidence in those beliefs and explanations grows as tests confirm the assumptions. Tests that falsify assumptions provide avenues to provide even better explanations. Recent exploration of meteorites demonstrates how this process works in practice.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength

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A Christianity that does not teach the Bible points the way nowhere but to New Age groping, ambiguity and relativism. However, a Christianity that only teaches the Bible is blind to all the other knowledge God wants us to discover and value. 16
15 Ralph Winter, “Editorial Comment” in Mission Frontiers Magazine (March-April, 2008), 4.

Mind and heart not mind vs. heart

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What your mind rejects, your life will eventually reject also, however close it may be to your heart.

Christian Apologetics Blog "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." Ps. 24:1 * Back to Main Page * Links of Interest * About the Blogger Arnie Gentile holds undergraduate degrees in education and theology and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. He and his wife Lana are lay leaders in a nondenominational church in the Chicago area. * Subscribe by email. Subscribe * Syndicate o Recent Entries Atom 1.0 Entries Atom 1.0 o Recent Comments Atom 1.0 Comments Atom 1.0 o Recent Entries RSS 2.0 Entries RSS 2.0 o Recent Comments RSS 2.0 Comments RSS 2.0 o Podcasts RSS 2.0 Podcasts RSS 2.0 * Comment Showcase o What people are saying * Category Archives o Christian Apologetics (2) o Devotional Reflection (4) o God's Existence (1) o Historical Apologetics (5) o Human Nature and the Soul (3) o Miracles and the Resurrection (8) o Philosophical Apologetics (3) o Science and Faith (2) o The Bible (5) o The Problem of Evil (3) * Recommended Websites and Blogs o CedarEthics o Christian Help Services o Rationally Christian o The Modern Knight o ZDENNY * Is It Time to Get Organized? See What's On Sale Today at OnlineOrganizing.Com! * Family Christian Stores Click Here To Save 40% On Bestselling Book Titles * Dependable in Home Child and Senior Care * Simplify Your Ministry! Simply Youth Ministry * Cards and Gifts from DaySpring Christian Greeting Cards from DaySpring Christian Apologetics Blog Is There Such a Thing As a Moral Atheist?

Christian Apologetics Blog
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." Ps. 24:1
Christian Apologetics Blog

Is There Such a Thing As a Moral Atheist?

Is it possible for an atheist to be moral? Perhaps we should first ask, "What is morality?" In today's popular, postmodern culture, to suggest that there is a universal moral law may draw anything from raised eyebrows to outright hostility. At the same time, there seems to be written on our hearts a law that demands justice when we have been harmed and paralyzes us with feelings of guilt and shame when we are the perpetrator. When asked if rape, murder, or genocide is wrong, there seems to be universal agreement within the human community that only a psychopath would answer "no." 

We seem intuitively to experience a rightness about ethical claims and a sense of obligation to obey them. There is an a priori oughtness about morality. Philosophers call this the incumbency of moral rules. That is, moral rules have a tangible force about them that precedes our actions (Koukl and Beckwith, Relativism, 166)). Unless one's conscience is seared, one's violation of a moral rule results in feelings of uneasiness and fear of retribution (Beckwith in The New Mormon Challenge, 227). This suggests that there is a moral law prior to and outside of the natural realm that presses upon it, a moral law that we encounter and discover rather than create. 

This universal human experience of moral incumbency cannot be explained empirically either in part or in full within nature itself. Nature is impersonal and cannot be the source of such a phenomenon. Nor can we explain such a phenomenon by proposing that moral laws exist eternally in some abstract form. If moral laws were in themselves distinct eternal entities, then there is no mind or authority behind the moral law (Ibid, 228). This would render incomprehensible the guilt and shame that accompanies violating these laws. Personal guilt implies a person offended. Therefore, it would seem that a morally ordered universe must be fully infused with the intentionality of a personal being who claims legitimate moral authority over all existence, a being whose moral authority is not limited by co-eternal entities. Only a sovereign creator God who brought everything into being out of nothing could claim such unlimited authority and be himself the source of that authority. 
So is it possible for an atheist to be moral? An atheist does not recognize the existence of a personal God. He is left with a closed natural order of physical causes. There can be no "oughts" in such a universe, only matter in motion. In such a universe, there could be no freedom of choice, since all behavior would be determined necessarily by random, mindless physical, biological, and chemical processes. Hence, "morality" would be a word without a referent because moral behavior entails free agency and personal responsibility. In addition, moral behavior requires true belief, that is, actual knowledge of moral truth. But no moral truth can exist in an atheistic world since there could be no transcendent value by which to measure our conduct.

Therefore, an atheist is left without evaluations, but only descriptions of behavior. He has no basis upon which to classify a behavior as "good" or "evil". One cannot get an "ought" from a simple "is". In the end, if an atheist is to be consistent, he must never label any personal performance or the actions of another with a term of value. In a non-theistic world, behavior is only behavior. Mother Theresa and Adolf Hitler share the same house, and Jeffrey Dahmer merits no moral sanction. Since no transcendent being exists, neither does any transcendent standard, and no moral judgment is possible either in this life or in a hypothetical afterlife.
Of course, we all know that most atheists claim to be moral persons, although they have absolutely no grounds for making such a claim. In fact, many atheists are very vocal when it comes to issues of social justice. What they will generally not admit, however, is that, when they make such claims, they are borrowing on the capital of theism whether they like it or not. The fact that even an atheist cannot help but make moral judgments and act as if there really is a transcendent source of morality is evidence of the recalcitrant image of God in man, and hence evidence for the existence of God himself. At the very least, an honest atheist must admit that the moment she makes a moral claim or invokes a moral rule, her godless worldview collapses. We Christian theists will be first in line to help her clear the rubble and rebuild upon the Rock of Christ a worldview that can never be shaken or swept away. 

"Convinced that there is no eternal life awaiting him, he [man] will strive all the more to brighten his life on earth and rationally improve his condition in harmony with that of his fellows" (Ernst Haeckel, The Wonders of Life, 108).

"I couldn't find any meaning in my life when I was out there. I'm sure as hell not going to find it in here. This is the grand finale of a ... sick, pathetic, wretched, miserable life story, that's all it is" (Jeffrey Dahmer after his arrest).

"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied" (Apostle Paul, 1 Cor 15:19).


Arnie Gentile
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God has no grandchildren

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In an age in which infidelity abounds, do we observe them [parents] carefully instructing their children in the principles of faith which they profess? Or do they furnish their children with arguments for the defense of that faith? ... When religion is handed down among us by heredity succession, it is not surprising to find youth of sense and spirit beginning to question the truth of the system in which they were brought up. And it is not surprising to see them abandon a position which they are unable to defend. 10
10 Quoted by J.P. Moreland in Love Your God With All Your Mind, 134-135.
William Wilberforce in his book Real Christianity.

Help North Korean Refugees

If you are unable to donate, please forward this invitation on to others to give them the opportunity. You may also consider blogging this information.

Travis Coleman

LFNKR is licensed by the Japanese government
as an official non-profit organization.

Every $5 You Donate*
will purchase 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of rice and enable one refugee to eat for another three weeks

Every $20 You Donate...
will provide an emergency medical kit for a family of North Korean refugees.

And Every $100 You Donate...
will buy five sets of warm clothing to keep five NK refugees warm through China's bitterly cold winter months.

Our NGO has developed its own local networks, through which we distribute food and clothing to North Korean refugees. We are also working for international recognition of their rights as refugees.

To make a donation, simply click on the appropriate button and fill in the information requested. You will receive an email receipt verifying your donation within a few minutes.

*  Since LFNKR is a legally authorized non-profit organization in Japan, your donation may qualify as a tax deductible expense under your country's tax laws (be sure to consult your own tax advisor for more specific information).

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